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© Emma Grigoryan - тесто
4 people likes this.
Posted: 23 May 2008, 12:16
Kapan. The process of baking 'jngyalov hac'
Comments (9):
Nvard Yerkanian
this is good Em jan. ! the best one qo verchin nkarneric
23 May 2008, 13:17
Day and Night
такая милая бабусечка..)
23 May 2008, 13:29
Emma Grigoryan
(1) Nvard Yerkanian [azura]: azurik inc tvum a es qo het lriv hamamit em.. zzvel em photosessioaneric, manavand "xndranqov"...brr.. verjers hin nkarners ei nayum u zgaci vor nranq aveli lavn en u vorosheci veradarnam "armatneris" :)
23 May 2008, 13:39
Nvard Yerkanian
(3) Emma Grigoryan [Thiternik]: :) апрес. Husov em khasnes hajoxutyunneri.
23 May 2008, 14:26
Delusional Insanity
Lavn a shat.
23 May 2008, 18:18
manan tevosyan
grtnak, tatiner... zoroshoe photo, composition and depth of field are +!)
27 May 2008, 16:39
as I already commented in russian site ...excellent DOF and composition I'll agree with Manan Tevosyan
20 June 2008, 17:01
A. A.
lav nkar e. iharke aveli lav kliner, vor грип-@ aveli mets liner, bayc de haskanum em, vor el tex chkar - tan luys@ sovorabar @tenc gortseri hamar chi heriqum )
6 October 2008, 21:23
Bogdan Popov
20 April 2009, 14:52
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