
/ Blue Africa

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© Fabrice Boutin - Blue Africa
29 people likes this.
Posted: 22 March 2011, 01:56
Few stills from my book project about Africa.
It has been few years now that I'm photographing people in Africa. Sometimes a stolen instant of life, sometimes a set up of their lifestyle for advertising usage. In all cases with a sincere belief in the beauty of this continent and its people. I’ve got certainly hooked on it! Since everytime the humanity has seen this continent as a cradle, today as an enigma and I hope Tomorrow as a model.
Anyway, what we can see here in a BLUE mood is that they certainly can smile for life..
Comments (3):
Suren Manvelyan
Good shot!
22 March 2011, 11:44
one of the most positive photos on this web site...
10x for sharing
22 March 2011, 13:28
Emma Grigoryan
we are on the same track doing books in Africa!
really impressive work
22 March 2011, 16:35
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